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The Founder, President, and CEO Mathew Chakola, broke ground in 1989 in Williamsport, Maryland with passion and excitement to bring a low cost, high quality, dry felt paper to the market. He traveled the country and visited the salvage yards and closed paper mills to collect the parts he needed to put together his first machine.
That machine, which started product in 1989 is still running today, and paved the way for four additional machines that run simultaneously throughout the country today. The large demand for roofing dry felt, facers for the PolyISO market and building papers spurred the expansion into these other geographic markets. Over the past 30 years the facilities have produced a wide variety of complimentary products to the ever-evolving building paper industry.
With his roots in South India, he came from a family-owned and operated manufacturing business. The tools he acquired through his involvment in the family business coupled with a Masters degree in Mechanical Engineering, enabled him to grow and cultivate a national company. Combined, the three facilities, Maryland Paper Company, Alabama Paper Products, and California Paper Products, are known as the industry’s largest producer of Dry Felt and Facer in North America.

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